I'm asking for help in redoing my current Lake Superior Mermaid series book covers.
Before publishing the first book in September 2023, I created my current cover to Beneath the Surface and then a cover for the second book, Thaw the Heart. At the time, I spread it around to a few writer friends, who gave me varying feedback. Before the second book comes out in May, I'm trying to decide if I need to redo the covers.
I'm not a graphic artist, and I also don't have the money to hire someone to create book covers for me. I made $42 (give or take) in 2023 from my four books.
I'm going to the people who are free and have opinions: the internet.
Before you look at the covers, here's a quick background of the books: This is a young adult/ new adult urban fantasy romance based on the Little Mermaid. The mermaid allowed to go to the surface for a first time. The love interest, a college student, is a surfer. The book takes place in Superior, Wisconsin, with the mermaids living in Lake Superior.
These are my current cover options:
2. Artsy
3. Horizon
4. People
Which book cover do you like best?
1. Original design
2. Artsy
3. Horizon
4. People
You can vote for more than one answer.
Before you go, I want to thank you for taking the time to look at this, vote, and/or leave a comment. I'm just an self-/ indie-published author just trying to live my dreams.
If you have any additional feedback on the covers, I would love to hear it and learn more!